Sunday, February 13, 2011


I seem to be in the doldrums right now. I've cut back on treadmill work, I'm laying around feeling low, I can't get interested in anything. I find no joy in anything right now. I suspect it's partly the weather, partly stress and worry, and partly not being able to get away to the sunshine and warmth (something that normally fuels me for the rest of the winter/early spring). Regardless, I'm really, really having a hard time right now.

I know it will end, I know I'll find something to juice me up, but for now it's really a dark time for the empire.

Friday, February 4, 2011

A look back and a look ahead

Well, as of this morning, I'm down 13.6 lbs from the start of the re ignited push on WW. 2.2 lbs this week. Not too shabby. The best part is how I'm feeling. The move toward more plant based foods has me with more energy, sleeping more easily and just generally feeling better. Other than a small amount of ground beef in the lasagna I made (well, tried to make) last weekend, We've had no meats at all in about two weeks. This weekend my plan is to make a chix parm for Drew and Vicki, something I know they'll like and is pretty easy, but other than that I don't see much in the way of meat again. In fairness, we are eating fish, salmon, tilapia and shrimp last week, and next week will bring more tilapia and shrimp but the portions are reasonable, the points low and the satisfaction high!!

As to what is ahead, I hope to release some of this weather anxiety and get back to walking on the treadmill next week, it's been a while but I have also been shoveling so it's not like I didn't do anything active. On the other hand I do have to try to control myself on Super Bowl Sunday and that might be hard...but we'll see.